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Radiant Leader  Coaching Progam

My signature 6-month coaching container designed to deeply support you in transforming into the radiant leader of your life you are meant to be 

It's time for you to unlock your next level and be the radiant leader you have always dreamed of being

Join my signature 6-month coaching container: Radiant Leader


Perfect for you if you identify as one or more of the following:

A soulful human

An entrepreneur

A conscious leader

A business owner

A healer, doctor, coach

A creative with big dreams


If you're feeling....

In your personal life:​

  • depleted

  • overwhelmed

  • burned out

  • unworthy

  • unbalanced

  • unfulfilled

  • on an emotional rollercoaster

In your career & dreams:​

  • stuck

  • self-doubt

  • fear & anxiety

  • procrastination

  • perfectionism

  • lack of confidence

  • unexpressed

  • playing small

You are not alone... and it's not a sign of weakness. 
It means you're ready to come back home to yourself, heal blocks from the root and create from your true power. 

If you're ready to....

  • Live a deeply fulfilling, magical, creative and expansive life

  • Evolve personally while also expanding your outer success and impact

  • Align to your true self and have clarity on your gifts and unique purpose

  • Embody your inner power and take decisions in line with your truth

  • Transform fear and limitations and lead from love and possibility 

  • Have a nourishing personal life of joy, ease, and presence

  • Express yourself authentically without fear of judgment stopping you

  • Take action to bring your dream ideas and offerings to life

  • Attract greater financial abundance, being a steward for money

  • Step into your leadership, create a lasting impact and ripple effect of light in the world

I've designed the Radiant Leader coaching experience just for you!

Dancing in Park

Key components of the program

  • Develop a deep rooted connection to yourself:

    • Build a compassionate relationship with your authentic self- understand your values, purpose & dreams

    • Discover and align with your deeper inner essence- the part of you that is limitless, whole, worthy, connected to the whole Universe and has an endless capacity to create, love, receive & share


  • Heal & overcome inner blocks: 

    • Uncover and transform any limiting beliefs, patterns or fears holding you back from living your dreams

    • Includes a personalized combination of mindset work, somatic work, emotional mastery, unconscious reprogramming, and inner child healing


  • Nurture your daily well-being: 

    • Implement rituals to deeply nourish your mental, emotional, and physical health 

    • Learn techniques to regulate your nervous system, process emotions and manage stress


  • Take action to courageously create your vision:

    • Create a grounded plan to bring your personal or professional visions & creative offerings to life

    • Take consistent courageous action steps towards your goals & apply the art of manifestation​

    • Step into greater leadership & visibility to authentically share your magic

What's included

I've designed these components to support you in experiencing deep inner and outer transformation and call you forward into your true potential

Two 90 minute 1:1 coaching sessions with me each month 
Personalized homework and challenges tailored to help you reach your vision
One VIP day (3 hour in-person or online personalized retreat)
Accountability support for your actions steps & goals
Voxer support for spot coaching in between sessions
Guided meditations to help with inner alignment and self-regulation 

Interested in exploring if Radiant Leader is for you?


I would be so honored to work with you!


Here's how you can get started:

  1. Fill out this Coaching Application 

  2. I will get back to you via email to schedule a complimentary coaching session to meet each other and see if the program is a good fit for you and your goals!


Nourish your heart and let your light shine bright 


Submit your application for 1:1 coaching with me and I will be in touch shortly!

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